Sunday, January 23, 2011

Beer time.

It's been a while since my last post. Almost a month, but that's like a millennium in beer time. We now have six varieties bottled and three more fermenting. This week we've bottled, labeled, waxed, and he's experimenting an on lees technique using champagne yeast for his latest beer. It's a Belgian pale that's a little darker than expected so it's going to be a "brunette" which he thinks is incredibly whitty. So now we are at the point that we need more bottles, and how. The husband is a major lover of craft beer and so he had a lot of bottles to strip and use and it lasted him almost six batches... but now we are filling them faster than we can empty them and it's becoming an expensive problem. I am about to start calling bars and putting ads on craigslist for amber colored crownabls bottles, but it all feels kid of silly, what a sticky mess my life is becoming. I guess it's all a part of it.

I also recently joined a group on Michigan Micro-Brew Aficionados. It looks like a lot of fun with like minded people. I am looking forward to our first outing in Feb. 

What I will leave you with today are a few pictures of the labels that I've created :-) (I'm kind of proud) We just used gum paper and some trial and error but I think they look kind of neat! ENJOY!